Thursday, June 24, 2010

YIHAW.... grab your cowboy hat!

For many adults, the "Cowboy Hat" is a part of their everyday apparel. Jeans, boots, shirt and their cowboy hat. There isn't anything more "old west" or western than the cowboy hat.

For decades the cowboy hat has been a sign of a hard-working, strong man who enjoys work and life. The cowboy hat was introduced in the 1800's by John B. Stetson and hasn't lost it's zest at all. There are many uses for the cowboy hat such as; keeping the sun out of your eyes, keeping the rain off your head and of course, to look good.

Cowboy hats are no longer just for adults. Little girls everywhere (especially in the South) are sporting their cowboy hats all over the place. Remember when your child was little and you bought him or her that little red cowboy hat? Then you bought them the little cowboy boots? Now, little girls can show their "gitty up" too without living on the ranch.

Tiny Dimples has the latest Rolled Brim Rafia Cowboy Hats for little girls. You can choose different color flowers on the top or have no flower at all. The little girl cowboy hats can fit girls approximately 3-12yrs, throw on with a precious girl's tulle petti-skirt and you are dressed for the time of your life!

We love the western look at Tiny Dimples with many western accessories such as fill in cowboy birthday invitations and western thank you notes.

No need to have a horse and you don't have to go "ropin" to look good in a great cowboy hat!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Celebrating 100 years of Father's Day

Father's Day tomorrow I begin to reflect on wonderful memories of my husband and my children together. The unconditional love of a man who wasn't the "warm and fuzzy" guy when I met him and wasn't even sure if he liked kids or not. Wow, was I wrong. I underestimated this man, this Father... as we often do.

I know that all children, no matter their age remember certain things about their Dad. My own kid's will have a world full of memories as they have danced together, played "hairdresser" together, gone to the movies together and honestly, my husband has loved every minute of it.

As children grow up some of a Father's love means being a bit tougher than the Mom. Children learn which parent to go to for what and what they might get out of it. If you are hurt; you usually run to Mom. If you need money; you usually run to Dad. If you want some deep life lessons, I think Dad is your guy. He has the words of wisdom and the time to back in up.

Many sociologists say that Dads tend to be more fun and adventurous. Dads are more relaxed with their children and let kid's be kid's, Moms tend to crowd and say "no" to things that are risky.

Dad is usually unstructured, messy and silly. He can be watching football one minute with his son and playing Barbies with his daughter the next minute. Dad is the one that gets up before anyone else and goes to work and strives to make all happy. That special Dad is the Dad that will run by Sonic, not order anything at all.... but give a tip to his daughter anyway, just because.... you know who you are.

We search high and low for the perfect Father's Day Gift and when try to get ideas, he wants nothing but for his family to be happy. He asks for nothing, but gives everything.

For the Dad's that help us take our first steps, who hold our arm when we walk down the isle, who cry at our high school graduation; we honor you and love you.

For the soon to be Dad's, you soon will know joy as never before. You will feel a feeling like no cannot explain, that is called

Happy Father's Day from Tiny Dimples~enjoy your day!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Preparing for the new baby with the older sibling

Having a new baby is a huge transition in anyone's life~any parent and especially if you have a older child. The adjustment for a older sibling can often be difficult, you can prepare by doing some simple things with the "new sibling".

Explain what changes could happen when the new baby arrives. Tell him or her about the crying, diaper changing and attention that you will have to show the new baby.

Make sure to reassure your child that they are loved and no one is taking their place. Give more hugs and love then normal and include the sibling in activities such as shopping for new baby items, appointments with the Doctor and baby name choosing

Let the older sibling know it's OK to get frustrated sometimes and that parent's get frustrated too. Just make sure they know to vocalize their issues or problems and how they are feeling.

Make sure that your older child/children know that their help will be needed and appreciated. That is what a family is for. Explain what hard work having a new baby is and that all need to pitch in to make the house tranquil.

Set "dates" with your older child without the baby. Go to the movies, go to lunch or spend some time reading or coloring. Make sure to get a sitter or or friend to watch the new baby so that this special time is just between you two (or Dad too). This is probably one of the most important things in the transition process.

Don't just shop for the new baby. When going out for diapers, pick up a coloring book or something special for the other brother or sister. You don't have to spend a ton of money making him or her feel special. Maybe write a special note and put in the older sibling room or draw him or her a picture with you two doing something neat.

Tiny Dimples has wonderful sibling gifts~sibling gifts that can be given when you come home from the hospital or have ready when you leave for the hospital. Let the older sibling pick out a special gift for new baby too~maybe a special Baby Brother T-shirt or a personalized Sister Shirt.

A precious New Sister T-shirt would be precious, pair with a matching Tutu for the extra princess feel.
A wonderful personalized lunch box might be just the thing for the Big Sis Gift or Big Brother Gift. A great Bubble Gum lunchbox or for the older brother, a Blast Off~ Personalized Lunch Box.

A Little Picaso "I'm The Big Brother" Coloring Book Gift Set would be nice too and keep them busy while you are taking care of the little one.

A great gift for a little girl going through the new baby blues might be her very own baby to take care of ~ the Alise Kinders Rag Doll Made in USA by Granza is a precious ragdoll that comes with an internet key-code to join the educational online Adorable Kinders eSchool.

Having a new baby is so stressful on everyone and making the transition is so important in your home. Resentment, jealousy and anger can build up in the older sibling so make sure that you think your thoughts out when getting frustrated so that you don't have to end up doing damage control later on.

So, enjoy the time, get good sleep and troubleshoot any issues early on when preparing for the new baby in the family.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Christening Gifts for all

A baby Christening, a beautiful event that's word comes from the word Christ" and means "to bring to Christ". A Christening involves baptism, the first of a number of sacraments in life within the Roman Catholic tradition.

There are many gifts needed to purchase when speaking of Baby Christenings:

Godparents gifts:

Godparents give gifts of eternal love and their commitment to care for their future Godchild. The new Godparents could give a beautiful cross bookmark or a lovely cross picture frame. Parents need to present the Godparents with a special gift. A nice frame would be special as well.

Christening Guests:

If you have been invited to attend a baby Christening, make sure that you present the parents with a nice gift. Shopping online will give you great new ideas that are not in the brick and mortar stores. There are some appropriate gifts for the newborn such as: monetary gift in the child's name, necklace, earrings or bracelets that have been engraved. A personalized Heirloom Monogrammed Baby Blanket Set would be a forever treasure.


Make sure that you cover your basis with the Godparents and also, its not a bad practice to present your little one with a gift as well. If you are giving gifts to all the Christening guests, a nice cross keychain might be perfect gift.

If you are the parent and you are planning your child's Christening, remember the Christening gown. If you need a boy christening outfit or a girls christening gowns~either way it is important to remember that most Christening gowns or rompers will be a treasured keepsake. There is no need to break the bank when purchasing the right Christening attire for a baby however a white fabric that is soft a breathable is also important. Don't forget the Christening accessories, the socks and the shoes.

Christening invitations are important too to let people know that they are invited to a wonderful event within your family.

Enjoy these special days with your child and the blessings that will come your way.